The genre of our film is Thriller, but with a crime-gangster sub genre. Thriller is a genre that uses suspense, tension, and excitement as the main elements. The primary subgenres are mystery, crime, and psychological thrillers. After the assassination of President Kennedy, political thriller and paranoid thriller films became very popular. The brightest examples of thrillers are the Hitchcock’s movies. The cover-up of important information from the viewer and fight/chase scenes are common methods in all of the thriller subgenres, although each sub-genre has its own characteristics and methods. Common methods in crime thrillers are mainly ransoms, captivities, heists, revenge, kidnappings. We intend to use many of these characteristics in our film, although we do not really want to follow the genre exactly and want to mix it up and bring other characteristics into the genre. Thrillers are usually in busy hetic genres e.g cities. Plots usually involve something being stolen, taken etc and somebody trying to get it/them back, or some people trying to kill each other, this leads to the thriller genre to be one of the most appealing and exciting genres invented. Characters are usually male, and well built. He is always good at something, e.g he could be a good assassin or a good driver e.g the transporter. The main character is always saves the day and usually good defeats evil in this genre, all in a fast paced action packed film. All this is shown in this 3 minute clip of The Transporter 3. (Embedding was disabled on this clip)
Posted by Sam Rushton and Liam Bentley
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